Overwhelmed. We are either there now, or running smack into it!
Friends, our lives can become overwhelmed by all sorts of things, and I don’t know about you, but when I become overwhelmed, I can’t think straight. My thoughts become entangled, and I just want to run somewhere and hide!
Sometimes, the only thing that grabs my attention is a friends perspective about God’s good intentions.
Psalm 61:2 declares, “From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety,”
Today’s podcast, is a candid conversation with my friend, Quantrilla ” Quanny” Ard.
In our conversation, Quanny shares ways that we should slow down, breathe, and practice being in the presence of God.
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, this episode will reward your soul with peace, and help you live a life that exalts God.
I hope you’ll join us (today) as we chat about breaking up with our bad behaviors of becoming overwhelmed.
Highlights from today’s podcast:
• Tend to your soul.
• Slow down and take inventory of things that are important.
• Practice being in the presence of God.
• Rest and reclaim your joy.
Resources from today’s show:
- Connect with Quanny at https://www.thephdmamma.
com/ , or instagram @quannyboo - Consider reading https://www.ibelieve.
com/health-beauty/5-calming- things-god-said-to-do-when- you-feel-overwhelmed.html - Deepen your relationship with God — by reading the Bible.
Let’s Chat!
After you’ve listened to today’s podcast, I’d love to continue our conversation. Be sure to leave a comment about ways you block the emotions of becoming overwhelmed.
Do you feel like running away? Or, do you run into the safe arms of God?
Why do you think people become overwhelmed? Is it because they don’t trust God?
What can you do to slow down and give God permission to lead your life?